Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Calendar Art

For the past few days, Totara 2 have been working on their calendar art. Along with Totara 3, we began to study Tapa Art and the designs that are used on traditional Tapa cloth. We had a practice go, using just pencil to get the designs that we wanted. Once we were sure of what we were going to do, we drew our designs onto our pieces of art and then went over them with Indian Ink - which is something a lot of us have never used before. We found it quite runny but fun to use. We left our art to dry and then we stained the rest of the paper with tea to give the Tapa effect. We think they all look pretty cool and you can purchase these from the office.


  1. Nice Art guys, soon you guys are going to be good artists

  2. Talofa!
    My name is Summer from St.Patrick's school I love your calendar art! they look fantastic also good idea with adding tea for the shade! :)

  3. Hi my name is Apolosi from ST PATRICK'S SCHOOL and I like your photo they look so cool and keep up the good work.

  4. Hello, My name is Rhonda and I am a Year 8 student from Saint Patrick's School. I like it how you guys made different types of art work that you have created. They look very creative. Keep up the good work!

  5. Talofa lava!
    My name is Tristan from St. Patrick's School and the Art that everyone has made is amazing. It's very abstract and I bet some of the calendar art is inspired by the thoughts of each child. Keep up the work!


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